How am I not myself?

This blog serves as personal therapy, stress relief, information sharing, and the occasional sanity check. Enjoy!

To baby Lasure… January 7, 2009

Filed under: Adoption — My Dysfunctional Life @ 2:28 pm

Dear future baby Lasure-

For me, you are already ours..maybe not a physical being, but a child born in our hearts. You have taught us so much already. You have brought us closer in our dreams for you, and have made us from a couple into a family.

One day, when you finally choose to come to us physically, you will find that we already know each other. We love you baby, and we owe you so much already…

Love, Mama


9 Responses to “To baby Lasure…”

  1. Becky Says:

    That is such a sweet letter. I have to keep reminding myself that yes, we are expectant mothers. We just have no idea when our due date is!

    Prayers to you!

  2. Melissa Says:

    Beautiful, just beautiful. WHen I read “Love, Mama” that made me cry, I want this to happen so badly for you.

  3. Alison Says:

    OH Michelle – this is so beautiful and so true!

  4. Maru Says:

    beautiful… you made me cry! what becky says is so true…

  5. eeyore Says:

    Dear Future Mama,

    That’s great but I think there is a squishy in my diaper and I am friggin’ starving so either whip out one of those udders of yours or give me a bottle. Oh and I am going to need my own laptop, and for future reference when you and future Daddy get Ur Freak on could please lock the door for God’s Sake!


    Future Baby

  6. mdlasure Says:

    Note to self:
    start baby tech fund and buy large padlock for bedroom door

  7. Hey Michelle!

    have you been doing affirmations? Sounds new agey (maybe) but I believe that saying and concentrating on positive affirmations – like, I am a mother- will also help create the necessary vibratory energy that will bring about a physical manifestation of the affirmation. But don’t say “i will be a mother.” That will keep the reality always in the future. That must sound crazy. But I believe it is scientifically true. just like writing letters to your baby, this is one more thing to do.

    Maybe you do this already. Or maybe you think i’m nuts :o) either way, I’m praying with you! -jen

  8. BYW- your blog is the same colors of my awning and I think that I will use for my blog! We match!

  9. nancy rinaldi Says:

    my dear madame,
    i think of you so often and know good news is just around the corner. your baby will be so lucky when he/she arrives.

    i miss you and will keep my fingers crossed!!!!


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